Why Am I Doing This?

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Often, we find ourselves so busy doing that we lose sight of our why.

When you find yourself in this doing mode, do you remember what you desired as the ultimate outcome? Is it clear what you hoped to achieve either personally or professionally?

Having a vision, a clear and aspirational description of the desired outcome, acts as a North Star to guide you. It becomes a powerful source of motivation especially when you face challenges. This is true as an individual, a team, or an organization.

Creating a vision begins with reflecting on what you want to achieve and what matters most. Sometimes the answers are immediate and at other times it requires deeper exploration. Don’t be afraid to ask yourself (or your team) hard questions, be curious, and seek input from others. Throw in some dreaming and be open to possibilities. This will uncover insights which will help create the foundation of your vision.

Once your ultimate destination (vision) is clear, the work begins. Answer

  • What steps need to be taken to achieve the vision?
  • Who needs to be involved?
  • What resources are required?
  • How do I keep momentum and stay aligned to the vision?

Alignment is important and needed when making decisions to move forward. It provides a unifying force which balances short and long-term goals. It aids the prioritization of goals and activities and helps with the allocation of time, energy, and resources. In its best form it inspires everyone to work towards achieving the vision.

Remember, there is power in declaring the vision. Share it. Be inspired. Be inspirational.

Be prepared to learn and grow as you move toward your vision. As with any journey, there may be unexpected twists and turns, however, your vision will ensure that you continue moving towards your destination.

This week: Do you remember why you are doing what you are doing? Now is a good time to reflect on your whys. See if you can come up with a vision statement to capture your why and what your desired outcomes are. Personally, I use mind maps to jumpstart my reflection. Others use vision boards or journaling. Use whatever method introduces new perspectives and ideas.

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  1. Doug Brady on October 3, 2023 at 10:23 am

    Very good,
    very true ME.
    Without a vision, just operating blind and hopeful.
    Have good clear C3O gathering.

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