Are Your Wheels Turning?

Blog 2023-09-26 photo

Isn’t it interesting that when many people think about innovation, it’s usually “really out there.” 

For example, my dad sent me an email last week with a video from Le Petit Chef, a restaurant in France. It utilizes 3D video technology to entertain their guests while they wait for their order to be brought to their table. What a great, new way of focusing on customer experience, I thought. Imagine my surprise when I looked for the video online and discovered it was eight years old! 

Was it less innovative because of its age? Was it even more innovative because it isn’t something that restaurants haven’t yet adopted? And, while 3D video technology may not be popular, 3D food is making its debut. Welcome to the world of George Jetson (from the TV show, The Jetsons, if you watched that as a kid like I did) … no kidding!  

So, what about innovation in the workplace? Sure, there are amazing technological advances being introduced frequently. But you don’t have to be a genius to be innovative. I remember one client who said, “I’m not creative;” even though she had spearheaded multiple process improvements. Her definition of “creative” was centered around artistic capabilities.  

I think the same is true for people’s perception of innovation. To innovate, literally means to “make changes in something established, especially by introducing new methods, ideas or products.” So, your ideas don’t have to be “really out there” to be innovative. 

Collaborating with others is a great way to seed innovation. Brainstorming ideas, being open to out-of-the-box ideas, and having healthy debate about the pros and cons of the various ideas … these form a solid foundation for innovation.  

Sometimes even a small idea can bring about big change. Don’t hold yourself back, thinking that you are limited to only Earth-shattering ideas. Everyone is creative in their own right; and creativity fosters innovation. Go ahead – get those wheels turning.  

This Week: With the definition of innovation above, make a list of the innovations you had a hand in making. You may be surprised at how often innovation is present in your life. Next, think about other areas that would benefit from new methods or approaches. Engage in the art of the possible! 

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