It’s Never Too Late
By Tracey Thorsen-Brady |
The month of January is renowned in the United States for two things: New Year’s resolutions and the National Football League (NFL) playoffs. While, historically, I haven’t been a huge fan of the latter, I must admit that living close to Tampa Buccaneers’ football team hometown has increased my interest … not to mention that…
Read More Act As If You’re Visible
By Jennifer McEwen |
Integrity is important to me. I constantly check myself to ensure congruence between my thoughts and actions … in other words, my being and doing. I ask myself questions like: “Is what I practice what I preach?” “Do I evaluate others in a similar way to how I assess myself?” “Does what I say depict…
Read More Reset
By Mary Ellen Clagett |
I am not a fan of New Year’s resolutions. I prefer to take time to reflect on the previous year, acknowledge what went well and what didn’t, and reset where needed. While I enjoy using my imagination to dream about the “big” goals, I find that I don’t reach them unless I think about the…
Read More Seeking a Robust Life
By Tracey Thorsen-Brady |
It seems like only yesterday we were ushering in 2021, with high hopes of “getting back to normal.” And after yet another 12 months, many of us are still working from home, homeschooling children, wearing masks, and cancelling travel plans. So, what do we want to be different 12 months from now? What can we…
Read More Leaving Bah Humbug Behind
By Jennifer McEwen |
I recently sat through A Christmas Carol musical. I have witnessed this Charles Dickens story, in one form or another, nearly every Christmas holiday. In case you don’t know the tale: The main character, Ebenezer Scrooge, is focused on money, money, and money…and not in a generous way. He is paid a visit from three…
Read More Take a Break
By Mary Ellen Clagett |
Today marks the first day of Winter – the Winter solstice. Winter is a time when trees and plants go dormant and both animals and insects go into hibernation. Nature supports a complex system for sustainability and renewal. Seeds dropped in the Fall germinate underground waiting for Spring to sprout, and animals that might not…
Read More Be Flexible … Your Way
By Tracey Thorsen-Brady |
Many resources on leadership tout that flexibility is a good thing. On the surface, I agree. And … there are also limits. I really enjoy working with executives who are servant leaders at heart; I so appreciate the care these leaders have for the people with whom they work. While each is unique in the…
Read More “Doing” Commitment
By Jennifer McEwen |
Committing to something or someone often starts with being engaged. The level of engagement can vary from low to high; often, it’s based on a person’s desire and then the nature of actions that person takes towards that end. In his popular book, The Fifth Discipline, Peter Senge asserts that lower engagement involves forms of…
Read More Be a Redwood
By Mary Ellen Clagett |
Fun nature fact: Those massive Redwoods that are so awe-inspiring have shallow root systems that go out over 100 feet from their trunks. Their strength to withstand strong winds and floods is because their roots intertwine with the roots of the other Redwoods. What a beautiful lesson from nature about the value of support systems…
Read More Give Thanks
By Tracey Thorsen-Brady |
As the end of the year approaches, it’s common for people to focus on the upcoming one. We ask ourselves: “What’s next?”; “What’s new?”; “In what ways do I want to create a new start?”. We spend time and money buying calendars and planners so we can document our future-thinking. As a coach, I applaud…
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