Conviction Will Carry You

Blog 2023-05-02 photo

LAITHOS believes that leadership brilliance begins with a deep awareness of self. We call it Strengthen Your Core™.  

If you’ve been following us since the start of the new year, you know that getting purposefully connected with your strengths, values and priorities takes work. Purposefully shifting your limiting beliefs and developing the mindset that helps you make the choices that serve you takes work. 

And … that’s only the start. Once you’re acutely aware of who you are and what’s important to you, the next step involves having the courage to show up in a way that authentically represents you. Or … is the next step having the confidence in who you are before you can be courageous in putting yourself out there? For some, confidence grows by being courageous; for others, courage comes from being confident. Bottom line: regardless of whether it’s comfortable or not, start where it feels right for you.  

One thing that both courage and confidence have in common is Conviction 

Conviction is that strong, even unshakeable, belief in something…for example, knowing who you are and the value you bring. Your conviction will help you through the tough times when a courageous action doesn’t yield the impact you desire. Your conviction will help you when your confidence falters.  

You’ve come a long way to know yourself. This is the time to believe it with all your being.  Stay the course. Keep putting yourself out there. Holding on to your conviction is the key to bringing you out into your world.  

This Week: Review the work you’ve done to be crystal clear on who you are, what’s important to you. On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being “I’m unshakeable”), how convicted are you about you? If the answer is anything less than a 9, what is needed to increase your conviction? If you haven’t read the blogs from the start of the year, now may be a good time: here’s a link to the first blog of this year. 

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