Welcome to Living the LAITHOS Way™
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We look forward to sharing our path to brilliant leadership over the next year. When practiced, it will encourage reflection, bring clarity and inspire change in your business and life.
When undertaking any journey, you want to know who you are travelling with. Meet your LAITHOS Co-Founders as we share glimpses into what we’ve experienced along our paths.
ME’s Story:
In my twenties, I promised a friend that I would join her on the Appalachian Trail when we both retired. Well, that day came recently.
The strength of my core was tested when I found myself hiking one of the more difficult segments of the AT. While I had every intention of successfully completing my first outing, by the third mountain my body was done. The trail still had four “hills” to go and no emergency exit in sight. So I dug deep and tapped into reserves I wasn’t aware I had – both mentally and physically. I forged onward, taking 3-inch steps up the inclines and full steps down. And I leaned in to the connection with my fellow hikers and my trekking poles.
We really don’t know the depth of our abilities until we are tested…and we don’t know when we are going to be tested. Everything we experience plays into how we show up and what we can do. The good news is that we are at choice to constantly evolve. I discovered that I am capable of so much more than I ever thought.
Jen’s story:
Every time I’ve embarked on a new venture, there’s always a period where I have to resist going into a “must be seen as” state…must be friendly, reliable, competent, high performing, and so on.
I remind myself that my presence in a role should be less about me proving myself and more about expanding my influence. To quote Maya Angelou, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” My leadership is less about me getting things done. Rather, it is really about creating a ripple effect by inspiring others to embrace their leadership in action, thereby magnifying my impact exponentially.
When we focus in this way, we fully trust those around us and stay open to possibilities beyond our imaginations. When we challenge the status quo, it widens a path for innovation. I’ve learned that when I see others as people and not as objects, I can be courageously authentic and unleash my own, best leadership.
Tee’s Story:
Change is in my DNA: I’ve moved 21 times (I’m a proud daughter in a military family – Semper Paratus!), and I’ve held 13 different roles in a Fortune 10 company. During my corporate days, every assignment seemed to have a different problem (aka “opportunity”) that required leading different changes in order to solve them. I absolutely loved and learned from each experience.
Change is still a huge part of my life – but now global impact is driving me. I am transforming my horizons through my passion – of a vision where all workplace cultures create ripple effects that inspire brilliant leadership. I’m focused on expanding the awareness of others about how they show up as leaders and the profound impact that has on the people around them.
And, it takes a village. I am inspired every day by thought leaders in the field, my two business partners, and all of our spouses who support us in so many ways. A community who believes in a common goal is essential to creating movement. I can’t wait to see the lasting impact when every company embraces this as their go-to culture!
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