S.M.A.R.T. Leadership
By Jennifer McEwen |
You may have made New Year’s resolutions or decided against resolving anything for 2023, preferring to see how things play out. You probably couldn’t go wrong either way. And yet, you would likely benefit from both approaches: Knowing it’s smart to be resolute as well as helpful to stay open to whatever happens (especially given…
Read More Reset?
By Mary Ellen Clagett |
Every New Year’s Eve, I write a letter to myself to be read the following New Year’s Eve. In it, I envision what the coming year will bring. As you can imagine, world events over the last few years have thrown some curve balls at my expectations. We didn’t win the HGTV Vermont house, but…
Read More Looking Back Illuminates the Future
By Tracey Thorsen-Brady |
I remember thinking it was way too early for holiday decorations at the end of October. What was the rush anyway? And then … bam! We’re now one week away from the start of a brand-new year. Where does the time go?! In the past, I would use the period between Christmas and New Year to…
Read More Goals, Goals, Goals
By Jennifer McEwen |
I’ve had a lot going on this past year, from professional to personal…and while I’m ready to move into 2023, having an overflowing ‘plate’ has helped me gain greater clarity about where to focus in the future. Just because I can do something doesn’t mean I should. The truth is: I won’t do everything very…
Read More Our Superpower
By Mary Ellen Clagett |
I’ve been on a mission these past weeks to save Monarch butterflies. While we have planted hundreds of milkweed plants, they have been eaten down to their stems. As a result, I’ve been searching for caterpillars and moving them around the yard to plants that still have some leaves. It’s been working. The metamorphosis from…
Read More Don’t Go It Alone
By Tracey Thorsen-Brady |
As I reflect on the power of teams, I remembered a blog from 2019 that I wrote; I think it’s worth sharing again… Most of my career has been about leading change; often, it was to fix something that wasn’t working. One of these opportunities – inside a Fortune 10 company – resulted in what…
Read More Not Perfect…Just Human
By Jennifer McEwen |
Because I am a constant learner, I’ve had to overcome a dynamic I encounter often: learning in front of others, and the occasional embarrassment that comes with that. Several executives I’ve worked with and coached have shared similar challenges because—when you operate at the top of an organization—you are often viewed as if you are…
Read More What’s Your Brand?
By Mary Ellen Clagett |
We are constantly bombarded with advertisements and slogans establishing a company’s brand. To this day, if someone mentions the company Alka-Seltzer, their tagline (from the 1970s) “Plop, Plop, Fizz, Fizz, Oh what a relief it is” automatically plays in my head. I’m sure there are plenty of examples of brands playing around in yours. These…
Read More Be Purposeful with Your Words
By Tracey Thorsen-Brady |
In about a week, the streets and skies will be full of family and friends traveling to be together with others for Thanksgiving. For many, going around the table to share their gratitudes is a tradition. Too often, people around the table are so busy thinking about what they are going to share that they…
Read More Valuing Community
By Jennifer McEwen |
It’s been just over 11 years since I lost my mother. She taught me many valuable lessons, and one of them was from her favorite activity: crafts and especially quilting. While my mother was good with crafts, I’m not a ‘crafty’ person. When it came to quilting, there were too many intricacies, I thought, as…
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