Be Purposeful with Your Words

In about a week, the streets and skies will be full of family and friends traveling to be together with others for Thanksgiving. For many, going around the table to share their gratitudes is a tradition. Too often, people around the table are so busy thinking about what they are going to share that they don’t hear what others are saying.
In some homes, certain people will speak eloquently, others may be long-winded, and, perhaps, others are rather curt or unclear. In other homes, people will celebrate the time together by reading stories and poems. Often, when reading written words, the speaker’s pace is measured, and the enunciation of the words is purposeful; the audience is fixated on the speaker and in full receipt of each message.
What if we treated the conversations we have with others in as purposeful a way as reciting a poem? With the right words – as well as the cadence of speaking those words – it’s possible to shift the energy in a room, change others’ perspectives, and even create a movement that can impact your world.
Not enough words and it is difficult for the listener to connect all the dots in what you are saying. Too many words, and the meaning can get convoluted. Not the right words and or the best timing, and the impact can be lost.
Remember, the spoken word is a powerful thing. Let’s be more purposeful with our words because they matter.
This Week’s Challenge: How often have you said something “off the cuff” and then wished you hadn’t? Take stock of your words this week and see what you are noticing. What can you shift to have a more intentional impact? How can you be more present to receive the words spoken by others?
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How true Boo.