Stay the Course


How do you create a sustainable movement? You stay the course, come “hell or high water.” The ending of my first draft of this blog had me flashback to the most memorable man I have known, his impact and the song list he created for his final days. I’ve thrown out the first draft because this is the story I want to tell.

Art was my one of my leaders in a year-long program about leadership. When I met him, he was in the process of dying, and yet there isn’t anyone I can think of who was more alive. He burned with a passion to make a difference, to transform us by having us step up fully into our lives. He envisioned our making a difference wherever we landed. He challenged, pushed and pulled, listened deeply, cut through the crap in the stories we told, laughed and cried … all the while modeling a way to be. His impact continues to be felt in the world by the many lives he touched even after he has moved on.

On his playlist were the songs “For Good” and “Defying Gravity” from the play Wicked. These two songs caught a hold of me and became my touchstones of him and what he wanted for me. They became a way to channel my energy to sustain movement forward for what mattered to me and the legacy I want to leave.

Staying on course “to be” and to build something that matters isn’t smooth. There’s no fast fix. There are obstacles along the path that must be addressed. There are detours that must be made. And, in the end, these all contribute to a strong and sustainable foundation for what lies ahead.

When we come together as a community with this same energy and resolve, the impact can be even greater. Different voices and views create a robust vision. Diversity in skills, experience and cultures bring unique solutions. Grounding in the “why” allows agility and flexibility because the why is at the core of the how.

This Week: Go to YouTube and listen to any version of “For Good” and “Defying Gravity” songs from Wicked. I’m curious what they may mean to you.

In Next Week’s Post: Pave a Path

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