Life = Legacy

There have been several celebrations in my family this past week: great-niece Charlotte turned one year old; sister-in-law Janet and brother-in-law Brian turned a few years more than Charlotte; and about 150 people are gathering in Wisconsin to celebrate the life of Marian Croak, who lived 96 vibrant years.
As a mother of eight, grandmother of 19 and great-grandmother of 20, her impact is widespread. When she was 89, after she declared she was attending our wedding in Atlanta, multiple RSVPs from around the country quickly followed. While Doug and I knew the cousins were happy to witness our celebration, we knew that being together with Marian was the huge draw.
In her April 20th blog, Jen wrote about The LAITHOS Way™ of leadership impact: The path starts with a compelling purpose (Strengthen Your Core) and culminates in a legacy that inspires others (Transform Your Horizons). Marian is a wonderful example of leaving such a legacy – part of her obituary read: “She was kind and non-judgmental; she truly lived by those words. We are better people because of Marian’s example.” Her core was strong, she lived her values, and her interactions inspired others.
Although the topic of “legacy” is often highlighted at the end of a life or a career, Transforming Your Horizons begins in the way a person routinely shows up. For Marian, when we look back, we see her achievements as well as her leadership impact throughout her nine decades. For Charlotte, her impact is her ever-present huge smile and sense of wonder resulting in joy from all who see her. She has nine decades in front of her, and I can’t wait to witness some of the impact she will have on those around her.
This Week’s Challenge: How will you Transform Your Horizons and craft the legacy you want? Do some brainstorming on a piece of paper and write down all of the things that are important to you. Which ideas will benefit others? What is required from you to show up in a way that represents and/or supports those ideas? Take “baby Charlotte” steps and start today.
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