Leadership Impact Starts on the “Inside”

Blog 2021-04-20 photo

It’s a special day at LAITHOS: We three, as Co-Founders, incorporated our business three years ago on April 20th.

Three is my favorite number, so I am taking this opportunity to celebrate what we stand for: creating leadership impact.

Our journey began five years ago with a single, little idea and has blossomed into a business that catalyzes organizations and people toward their best leadership. We chose LAITHOS as our company name because it holds great meaning. The word “leader” is derived from the ancient word laitho, meaning “to cause others to follow a particular path.”

We believe that the path starts with a compelling purpose and culminates in a legacy that inspires others. We designed an elegantly simple approach to “S-E-T Your Path”:

S = Strengthen Your Core …where clarity, choice, and courage lay the critical foundation for who you want to be.

E = Expand Your Influence …where engagement, connection, and growth create a “ripple effect” with others.

T = Transform Your Horizons …where vision, community, and movement pave a path for new levels of impact.

While we hold ourselves accountable to living The LAITHOS Way™ in all aspects of our lives, it is NOT ALWAYS EASY. In examining my own leadership, here are some examples of challenges I can face at times:

S = I don’t always feel grounded enough to be clear … I’m operating on autopilot instead of from intentional choice … I don’t act with courage because that requires energy I sometimes don’t have.

E = I may not always engage openly … my connection with others may not exude the empathy that’s needed … I don’t pause long enough to see the growth that’s available to me every day.

T = I sometimes act on my vision in a way that doesn’t inspire those around me … I go it alone without creating support in my community … I can’t seem to compel the kind of movement that creates the impact I want in my world.

At LAITHOS, we know that we would not have the client successes we have had without continuing to stretch our own leadership and its impact. Leadership impact starts on the “inside.”

So, when I need to show up more powerfully in my leadership, I lean on my business partners. We support each other daily. We speak about challenges and celebrate successes. We are there for one another without ego, judgment, or expectation.

Understanding how we show up as leaders provides insights needed to help others step into their most brilliant leadership.

Happy Birthday, LAITHOS!


This Week’s Challenge: To serve those on the ‘outside’ (e.g., your community, customers), what kind of ‘inside’ support are you getting (e.g., at home with family and/or through your workplace with colleagues)? What more do you need, and from whom? Ask for whatever support you need to grow your leadership impact. It will make a meaningful difference.

We always want to provide value. Let us know the topics that are important to you by sending an email to [email protected].

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  1. Doug Brady on April 20, 2021 at 9:27 am

    Well said Jen.
    Happy Birthday to the C3O ‘s
    and Laithos!

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