Lasting Legacy

Someone once wrote “people want to leave a legacy because they want to feel that their life mattered.” That’s one perspective. I have a different one: Leaving a legacy isn’t about my life; rather, it’s about leaving something that benefits others and makes them feel that their lives and experiences matter. It’s about ways you can Transform Your Horizons.
Wanting to leave a legacy means knowing that you’ve had a purposeful impact on others; something that was bigger than just yourself; something that benefitted others even if you don’t know them all personally. It may mean a grandfather leaving a legacy of “giving back to others” that his great-grandchildren still honor. At work it may mean starting (or joining) a movement where people rally around a common cause that will make a difference to many in the company, the community, or something even larger. Both are examples of commitment to a vision that is greater than the visionary.
Look at Walt Disney: His dream of creating a place where parents and children could have fun together has morphed over 64 years to a legacy of providing outstanding entertainment and jaw-dropping innovation. That’s the epitome of commitment.
Oftentimes, leaving a legacy implies that the person has died. Not true. Every time you leave a job, a place you used to live, an experience you shared with others, you have made an impact. And, if you’ve left a consistent, lasting impact, it’s likely that you’ve left a legacy.
This Week: Here’s something to think about — if it’s possible for everyone to leave a legacy, what do you stand for or desire in order to make others’ lives better? When it comes to your impact in your world, what would it take for you to be 100% committed to making it happen? Share (or vet) your vision with friends and colleagues – who knows, maybe they’ll be inspired and want to join you!
In Next Week’s Post: Be aware of assumptions, they matter.
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