Declaring Your Future

Blog 20-04-28 photo

What does the future hold? I hear a lot of people asking one another that question during this COVID-19 pandemic. We certainly did not want this to happen; but, instead of wishing it away, how can we lean into it and get what we want out of it? We could ask ourselves: What does my future hold? And then turn our own answers into declarations that support a vision for the future we each want.

The thing about making declarations is that only a person with appropriate authority can do that. For example, I cannot declare that you will exercise three times a week because I do not have authority over you or your daily routine…but you can. Declaring something is like setting a goal, with an exception: Declarations involve proclaiming them to others, which helps create accountability. That is how the mere act of making a declaration renders it more likely to happen. And, like a goal, declarations require taking action to produce the results you desire.

We each have authority over a lot of things. A classic one is how we respond to a situation or a force thrust upon us: Do I walk away/fight/give in, or do I create from it? If I intend to be more creative than reactive, but declare it to no one, chances are I might not be as successful in my intention. Another one is how we choose to interact with others: Am I overly focused on the impact they have on me or am I consciously focused on how I impact them? If I choose the latter, declaring that to you helps me be more that way when we interact.

Do you know where in your life you have the authority to make a declaration and what is it you want to declare?

This Week: Considering your past and present, declare something for your own future. Start by asking yourself the following three questions, sharing the third with someone in your life and then putting action toward it:

  1. PAST: What do I want to preserve about the way things were before, be it a practice to carry forward where possible or a fond memory to hold? This might generate a long list, but keep it focused on 3-5 things that are most important to you.
  2. PRESENT: What am I doing today or lately that I appreciate and want to keep doing (whether the same as or different from before)? Whatever you notice about doing those things (e.g., they give you energy, they stress you out, etc.), use that information as a litmus test for what stays on this list.
  3. FUTURE: As the architect of your own life (because you ARE), declare something that brings you closer to what you envision for your life. For now, just start with one thing where you have appropriate authority; notice what you experience when proclaiming it to someone (e.g., a family member, friend, or colleague). Now, consider what actions can help make it a reality.

In Next Week’s Post: Dealing with self-sabotage

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