Words Matter

Over the last few years, there seems to be a new singing competition on every television channel. Even the 2020 finalists in America’s Got Talent – where all types of acts are encouraged – was comprised of 6 singers out of 10 contestants. Interestingly, one of the four non-singing acts won the $1M first prize and a headline show in Las Vegas. And it wasn’t a dancer or an acrobat … the winner was a poet.
While song lyrics and poems are both dependent on words, there was something deeper for me in experiencing this man’s poetry than listening to any of the songs sung by the others. Perhaps the music that accompanied the lyrics “got in the way” or even provided a type of artificial barrier between me and the artist. There was nothing to separate me from the poet – the quiet, that served as a backdrop to his original poem, gave each word the space to land with its listeners. For me, the power of his words brought goosebumps to my arms; I felt the energy and passion of his purposeful words. There were no other distractions. The impact was huge.
What if we treated the conversations we have with others in as purposeful a way as reciting a poem? With the right words – as well as the cadence of speaking those words – it’s possible to shift the energy in a room, change others’ perspectives and even create a movement that can impact your world.
Not enough words and it is difficult for the listener to connect all the dots in what you are saying. Too many words, and the meaning can get convoluted. Not the right words and or the best timing, and the impact can be lost.
Remember, the spoken word is a powerful thing. Let’s be more purposeful with our words because they matter.
This Week: How often have you said something “off the cuff” and then wished you hadn’t? Or, do you have the habit of adding lots of “umm’s” or “like’s” or any other filler word? Take stock of your words this week and see what you are noticing. What can you shift to have a more intentional impact? And finally, if it’s not only the words but also your voice that you seek, check out this blog – Finding Your Voice.
In Next Week’s Post: Question the Status Quo
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So true Tee.
Thanks for sharing.