What Do You Want that is Larger than You?
Posted in Blog | Tags Being of Service, Commitment, Expand Your Influence, Passion, Transform Your Horizons

I logged into Facebook and saw a post from a friend intent on helping the children in detention centers along our borders. The post read:
“Please help us fill the truck with the listed donated supplies. You can read more about what we’re doing at SolveItToday.org If you’d prefer a monetary donation to help us pay for gas, and for further supplies once we get there, you can donate to dokindworks.org for your tax deductible contribution. Margaret and I are driving the truck down the first week in August and need to fill it, first. Thank you so very, very much for your support!!”
This is a perfect example of someone who is passionate and willing to do what it takes to make the impact that they want and knowing they need a community to make it happen.
Regardless of what side of the fence you are on for this particular issue, I ask you to notice what is happening here. A leader sees something that needs to be solved, creates a vision, engages the community and takes action to make it happen. Talk about Transforming Your Horizons. Seeing this in action gives me goosebumps.
What do you care enough about that you need a community to make it happen? What are you willing to do to create your vision and put it out there to engage like-minded folks? How committed are you to taking action? All these questions, and more, come to the forefront when you consider making the leap from your ego to your impact. It’s a big leap but know that it’s going to be worth it.
This Week: Last week you were asked about the communities you lead in or support. What are the common themes? As you think about them, what is possible? Actually, let’s change the question. What if it were possible that….? Feel the energy shift? Envision from that energy.
In Next Week’s Post: We’ll touch on Legacy. Are you thinking beyond today? This week? This year?
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