Step Up into the Unknown
By Mary Ellen Clagett |
While reflecting back over my career, I realized that many of my most creative solutions were born out of chaos – when what had worked before no longer worked for the issue at hand. United around a common goal to find solutions, we brought together diverse teams to attack the issue from different angles. Do…
Read More Trust May Be The Missing Piece
By Tracey Thorsen-Brady |
Over my corporate career, I inherited many different teams and had to get up to speed on whatever function I was then leading. My go-to way of creating strong team connection was to trust each person from the start. Trust? Another blog about trust? (See Jen’s great blog on trust and appreciation.) Well, it is…
Read More Half Hip and Totally Present
By Jennifer McEwen |
I’ve never been “hip”. I’ve tried to be cool, but the truth is I was a bit of a “square” growing up…more conscientious than easy-going, always fretting about something versus letting it be. Sometimes, I can be so serious that I miss hidden meanings in sarcasm, a tactic employed frequently by my husband. As an…
Read More Take the Step
By Mary Ellen Clagett |
Lessons often come to me when I’m playing, and that’s how this one came to me. Last week I found myself in my first virtual reality game. I was standing on the edge of a cliff, intent on rescuing my robot, when I realized that I was standing on the edge of a cliff. My…
Read More The Value of New Stories
By Jennifer McEwen |
Rest assured, this won’t be a lesson in values-based leadership…I like to leave preaching to my Dad (an ordained Lutheran Minister). The fact is, however, values play a role in the many types of leadership that have been touted by experts. This is not a new concept. It flows hand-in-hand with one of the of…
Read More Set the Stage for Inspired Vision
By Mary Ellen Clagett |
Saturday is the Winter Solstice – the shortest day and longest night of the year. In many indigenous cultures, it was the time to honor the sun as a giver of life – critical to survival of the community, the harvest, the animals and more. Indeed, the sun is critical for life, and it also…
Read More And The Beat Goes On…
By Tracey Thorsen-Brady |
Most of my career has been about leading change; often, it was to fix something that wasn’t working. One of these opportunities – inside a Fortune 10 company – resulted in what I call an “intrapreneurial” venture. It had all of the makings of a start-up without the need for raising funds. (It was fully…
Read More Quilt with Me…I’ll Quilt with You
By Jennifer McEwen |
I’m not a crafty person. My Mother was – good with crafts, that is. When it came to quilting, there were too many intricacies, I thought, as I watched her thread pieces of fabric together during my childhood. I liked to keep things simple…crafts were not for me. As I grew older, I ported my…
Read More The Power of “I Declare”
By Mary Ellen Clagett |
I was struck yesterday with the realization that toddlers have mastered the formula for declaring. Raising their voices, waving their arms, stomping their feet … they declare what they want with all their being. Imagine what we could do if we recaptured that feeling down to our core, and then used it to declare to…
Read More Looking Conflict in the Eye
By Tracey Thorsen-Brady |
I don’t like conflict may not be the words many people say aloud; however, they’re often the words that can drive a variety of behaviors: passive-aggressive actions; gossiping or back-channeling; “polite Southern” quips; hard-nosed attacks; or simply complete avoidance. Of course, none of these behaviors are “healthy”; however, there is a clear difference between the…
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