Be On Purpose
By Tracey Thorsen-Brady |
It’s been one of those days … you started with a meeting at 8:30, had back-to-back conference calls until 2; and then get a text from your boss at 2:15 asking to review your team’s latest results. There have been some extenuating circumstances, and your numbers don’t look so good. Knowing there’s not enough time…
Read More Mind Your Growth
By Jennifer McEwen |
When we operate more from a growth (vs. fixed) mindset, we are more successful. There are numerous specific benefits – increased confidence and resilience, better ability to manage time and solve problems, to name a few. You can learn more about this from Carol Dweck’s work and other professional resources on the subject. People often…
Read More Mind the Gap
By Mary Ellen Clagett |
A lot has been written about mindset and why it matters. Most often the discussions address the disparity between the fixed and the growth mindset. Those with a fixed mindset view intelligence, abilities and talents as something you are born with while those with a growth mindset believe these traits can be improved with effort. …
Read More Flip The Switch
By Tracey Thorsen-Brady |
When concluding a coaching engagement sponsored by a client’s boss, most coaches facilitate a closing alignment call with the client and the boss. The purpose is to review the client’s growth, discuss continued areas of focus, and discern how the boss can provide on-going support. Last week, I witnessed a client who focused almost solely…
Read More A Discerning D.R.I.V.E.
By Jennifer McEwen |
In last week’s blog, we were reminded that we all have choice in life. And sometimes we choose—often subconsciously—to negatively judge…how we view ourselves, others, or our circumstances. We can, however, choose to look at things well and wisely…in other words, to be discerning instead of rushing to judgment. Discernment is the process of making…
Read More Judge, Jury, and Executioner
By Mary Ellen Clagett |
I’ve been reflecting on how often we are hijacked by the voices in our head. Neuroscience teaches us about the shortcuts the brain takes to process the enormous amounts of information it processes daily. Unless we pay attention, we fall into patterns and mindsets that do not necessarily serve us. Recently, a client has been…
Read More When Priorities Compete
By Tracey Thorsen-Brady |
In January, we’ve explored three areas of LAITHOS’ Strengthen Your Core component through heightening awareness (or initial curiosity) about your values, strengths, and talents. Getting clear on these important aspects of who you are as a leader in work and life supports the remaining area of needed clarity – your priorities. Because when you know…
Read More Are You Strong at Noticing?
By Jennifer McEwen |
In last week’s blog, we explored overusing strengths and how they can become weaknesses. Here, we explore strengths that come from talents. Talents are special natural abilities or aptitudes. Talents in action—things we do well, regularly, and/or with low effort—can become strengths when exercised like a muscle. These strengths might seem easy to ourselves, and…
Read More Hold the Phone!
By Mary Ellen Clagett |
Strengths overused become weaknesses?!? What?!? It’s easy to get derailed by all the advice we are given about how to evolve our leadership. Work on my weaknesses. Work on my strengths. Don’t let my strengths become my weaknesses. As we think about it – knowing our brains are always looking for shortcuts – it can…
Read More The Value of Values
By Tracey Thorsen-Brady |
At LAITHOS, we believe understanding your personal values is foundational to Strengthen Your Core and evolving as a leader. Your values represent what’s important to you in life – not just at work; there is no right or wrong – it’s who we are. Knowing your values helps you understand what drives you, what you…
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