Where Do You Go?
By Mary Ellen Clagett |
When stuck in my thinking, there is something about staring out at the ocean that opens my mind to possibilities. I’m not sure if it’s hearing the rhythmic fall of the waves, wondering what lies beyond the horizon, or the dolphins that arc above the water that have me look below the surface … it…
Read More Growing and Sustaining Engagement
By Tracey Thorsen-Brady |
As Jen mentioned last week, we’re exploring the topic of Expanding Your Influence over the next few weeks … because engagement with others – interacting, connecting and building relationship – is its foundation. Most of us don’t live in a bubble, so it’s important to be cognizant of how we relate to others … to…
Read More Initiating Engagement
By Jennifer McEwen |
Over the coming weeks, we will explore what supports the ability to “Expand Your Influence” and start a ripple through leadership. This follows our blog series on how to “Strengthen Your Core” as a foundation for leadership. We believe influence starts with engagement. In work-world terms, engagement describes the level of enthusiasm and dedication someone…
Read More From Seed to Seedling
By Mary Ellen Clagett |
Nature is a great teacher. When you pay attention, you will see plants growing in unexpected places and unexpected ways. We can grow too. Aristotle in The Nicomachean Ethics noted that “For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.” Our last few blogs have focused on…
Read More Conviction Will Carry You
By Tracey Thorsen-Brady |
LAITHOS believes that leadership brilliance begins with a deep awareness of self. We call it Strengthen Your Core™. If you’ve been following us since the start of the new year, you know that getting purposefully connected with your strengths, values and priorities takes work. Purposefully shifting your limiting beliefs and developing the mindset that helps…
Read More Confidence Through Trust
By Jennifer McEwen |
As part of discovering how courage takes shape (see last week’s blog), let’s explore confidence. While it’s easy to think that some people have it and some don’t, it’s just not that simple. Confidence is built (vs. being simply there or not) and it requires something foundational…trust. The word “confidence” comes from the Latin word…
Read More Start Where You Are
By Mary Ellen Clagett |
What is courage? Courage is doing something that you are afraid of. We will be exploring how to build it over the next three weeks. But before that happens, clarity around your fears must be achieved. You need to start with where you are. Most of us tend to be risk averse. It’s not necessarily…
Read More Measure Twice, Cut Once
By Tracey Thorsen-Brady |
Over the course of the last few weeks, we’ve shared our views on the key aspects of being intentional: Purpose … Presence … Perception – nailing this trifecta is a slam dunk that results in the desired impact. Right? Wrong. The key lies in the fourth “P” – Preparation. At LAITHOS, we help our clients gain…
Read More Perception Before Action
By Jennifer McEwen |
In our past few blogs, we addressed the importance of getting grounded in purpose and presence as core aspects of showing up intentionally. The premise is that being intentional increases your chances of creating the impact you want, more so than showing up ‘accidentally’ or without much attention or thought. Here, we explore a third aspect…
Read More Your Present is Presence
By Mary Ellen Clagett |
English is not a precise language. Between multiple definitions for single words and the stories we make up about what a word means based on our experiences, it can be confusing. Take the word presence. At LAITHOS, we use the word to talk about 1) being present and 2) how one shows up to others. Both have…
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