Before I Die
The last time I was in London, I came across a giant chalkboard with the words “Before I die …” The board was filled with people’s thoughts – some happy, some painful, some sad, some aspirational, some inspirational. For all who wrote, I think it helped to release it on the board. There is power in declaration.
We spend so much time with our heads down, doing the work that needs to be done. Our days are filled to the brim and there isn’t much time for reflection. What would our choices be if we allowed for that time? How would we choose to make a difference at work … at home … in the world around us?
Edward Everett Hale (author, historian, Unitarian minister) wrote: “I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something, And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do.” I find these words empowering.
The concept that I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do speaks to me in a variety of ways. It has me examine my beliefs, my mindset, my intentions, and my actions. As I reflect, I find I am at choice for how I show up and what I do. I can make a positive difference in areas I haven’t yet considered because I’ve been too busy getting things done.
I’ll be doing this week’s challenge myself and looking forward to learning the differences I can make daily to uplift myself and those around me. The ripple starts with me. Looking forward to seeing what it produces.
This Week’s Challenge: Take a piece of paper and write at the top of it “Before I die …” Consider the different aspects of your life – work, home, the world around you. Then, put pen to paper and free flow. Don’t judge or edit what you write. When you are done, put the paper aside. Find a trusted companion and have a conversation. Give voice to what you want to be and to do. There is power in your declaration.
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