A Glass Full of Wonder
By Jennifer McEwen |
You’ve likely heard the terms “glass half-full” and “glass half-empty” used to describe the outlooks people can have when looking at the same, seemingly exact, thing. While the water level in this figurative glass is the same for both (that is, half-way up or down the glass), people can perceive the same glass of water…
Read More Exactly Enough Time
By Mary Ellen Clagett |
Do you feel like there just isn’t enough time to fit “play” into your life? The “To Do” list is overflowing, deadlines loom, and friends and family clamor for attention. I was feeling that way when I read a quote by H. Jackson Brown, Jr.: “Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly…
Read More Blast Off to Leadership
By Jennifer McEwen |
Recently, the world witnessed some extraordinary feats…one of those being Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson both going into space. They are now astronauts! Based on the Wiki definition of astronaut, it is usually a “person trained, equipped, and deployed by a human spaceflight program to serve as a commander or crew member aboard a spacecraft”…
Read More Living Your Dreams
By Mary Ellen Clagett |
Last week, Wally Funk joined Jeff Bezos in space. There’s been a lot of press about how she was part of the Mercury 13; but there is so much more to her story. At 17, she crushed two vertebrae in a skiing accident and was told she would never walk again. She didn’t consider that…
Read More Lift Your Creativity
By Tracey Thorsen-Brady |
As you may know by now, the LAITHOS partners—ME, Jen, and I—rotate responsibility each week for sharing our perspectives on leadership impact. This was my week and, as I opened my computer, that paralyzing “writer’s block” descended upon me. I racked my brain to find what I considered a topic that hadn’t been covered. After…
Read More Using Lightness in Leadership
By Jennifer McEwen |
Lightness, laughter, and levity can be useful in business. “Laughter relieves stress and boredom, boosts engagement and well-being, and spurs not only creativity and collaboration but also analytic precision and productivity” as Harvard Business Review highlights, citing research by serious institutions like MIT and Wharton. However, lightness – or lightheartedness – does not always show up…
Read More Valued Lessons
By Mary Ellen Clagett |
Our experiences shape who we are. Have you ever reflected on what makes you the leader you are today? As I look back, I have plenty of “real life” experiences — and there are times when experiential learning had a tremendous impact on my growth. As I reflected on the leadership lessons which had the…
Read More I’ve Made Up My Mind
By Tracey Thorsen-Brady |
Earlier this year, my husband, Doug, and I made a life-changing decision to move from Atlanta to Sarasota. Since then, our time has been nearly consumed with a variety of “to do” lists – from readying the Georgia house for sale, to determining what to downsize, to figuring out the multiple redesign options for the…
Read More Leading Diversity
By Jennifer McEwen |
As a small girl: I was among the poorest in a wealthy community, getting many of my clothes through charitable donations. As a teenager: I looked nothing like the people around me in Sri Lanka, and often felt like an outcast. As an adult: I have worked in organizations dominated by traditional thinking, where my…
Read More Flourishing in Life
By Mary Ellen Clagett |
While clearing the clutter in my office, I came across a piece of paper with the word flourish written across it. Underneath were the words “to grow intellectually, socially and emotionally and to translate this growth into action, habit, and purpose.” It stopped me dead in my tracks. I’m a great believer in lessons appearing…
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