Don’t Clash Over Conflict
By Tracey Thorsen-Brady |
The mere mention of the word conflict can elicit stomach pain, angst and even heartache. For most people, it certainly is no fun to be in conflict with someone, which is why so many avoid it. Interestingly, leaders in organizations who avoid conflict may be doing harm to an individual or team. I worked with…
Read More Can’t Stand the Heat
By Mary Ellen Clagett |
My father loved poetry. He often had us learn poems that we four kids would recite in unison as we rode cross-country in the car to visit the grandparents. The title of one popped into my head as I sat down to write about toxic cultures – “It Isn’t the Church, It’s You.” It’s easy…
Read More But I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For
By Jennifer McEwen |
Have you ever stayed in a situation you wish you would have left sooner? Perhaps it was a large commitment like a job, or a short interaction like a customer service phone call to obtain information. You might not necessarily regard your stick-to-itiveness as loyalty on your part…rather, you were holding out hope for something…
Read More Breaking Ranks
By Mary Ellen Clagett |
Remember the Mom question, “If your friends jumped off a cliff, would you too?” It may have been our first encouragement to think independently. That, and a type of wake-up call that we may do and say things as a group that we would never consider as an individual. Welcome to groupthink. When I typed…
Read More It’s Not a Big Deal … Or Is It?
By Tracey Thorsen-Brady |
After 4 ½ months of sheltering in place in another state, my parents declared “it’s family time.” On the second day of their visit, my mom handed me a printout. I had only spoken two words when my dad said, “You don’t need to read that aloud. It’s not a biggie.” (The latter being a…
Read More Recognizing All Parts Played
By Jennifer McEwen |
Who is the star of the show at work or in life, the person taking on a heroic role? You may know someone playing this role, or maybe it is you. This person feels the world is their oyster. Being a hero can feel glorious at times and, at other times, it can feel lonely.…
Read More Make Room for Innovation
By Mary Ellen Clagett |
Peter Drucker wrote “If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old.” These words resonate right now as I’ve just sold my home of 30 years to start the next chapter of my life. In order to make room for the new, it involved letting go of a lot. How often do…
Read More Do More Than Dress the Part
By Tracey Thorsen-Brady |
When corporate clients say they want to be coached for (greater) executive presence, my first question is “what does that mean to you?” Then come either the blank stares or a laundry list of tactical things – change the way they dress; shift their tone and/or cadence of speech; change their presentation style. More often…
Read More Conversations with Integrity
By Jennifer McEwen |
In recent weeks, my husband Perry and I have had more conversations than normal. When all was “right” with the world—or so we mistakenly thought—things were fairly quiet in Jenuwin Perrydise, the name we affectionately call our humble abode. However, lately we have been engrossed in dialogue about injustice and our future. We wonder what…
Read More Setting Up for Success
By Mary Ellen Clagett |
I once took a program management course where the instructor said, “If you can’t change unrealistic objectives and deadlines, accept them and start looking for another job.” While I certainly understand where he was coming from, in most cases, it’s really not advice to follow. How many of you are faced with goals you can’t…
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