Coaching Over Feedback
By Jennifer McEwen |
“May I offer you some feedback?” Those words are harmony to some ears and discord to others. Even when you are open to it, their words can trigger—in a nanosecond—a reaction of (imagine a computer voice): DOES NOT COMPUTE!! DOES NOT COMPUTE!! Our brain instantly recognizes the difference with our own self-view, be it subtle…
Read More The Value of a Strategic Pause
By Mary Ellen Clagett |
I’ve written a number of blogs on staying the course because it’s a topic that consistently surfaces with clients. How do you balance the push for agility and innovation with the fact that you need to give things time to work? Coming from a government agency where the Director rotated every three to four years,…
Read More The Power of Connection
By Tracey Thorsen-Brady |
I have changed roles, functions and levels at multiple points in my corporate career. And, most of the time I worked with people whom I previously did not know. I loved that every change came with a significant challenge, so building meaningful relationships was critical. I knew I would not succeed without the partnership and…
Read More It’s Clear When We’re Not Transparent
By Jennifer McEwen |
When I am not transparent and open with others—whether at home or work—it doesn’t feel right. When others are not seemingly open with me, I tend to feel a little anxious. My father’s ill health has me thinking recently about families and how they communicate. There are families that share just about everything, those that…
Read More The Will to Continue
By Mary Ellen Clagett |
A friend told the story of how she sat in her car each morning trying to get the energy to get out and go inside for work. When asked why, she spoke about how everything seemed so hard. She felt beaten down by outdated procedures and processes. She didn’t feel she had the power to…
Read More Words Matter
By Tracey Thorsen-Brady |
Over the last few years, there seems to be a new singing competition on every television channel. Even the 2020 finalists in America’s Got Talent – where all types of acts are encouraged – was comprised of 6 singers out of 10 contestants. Interestingly, one of the four non-singing acts won the $1M first prize…
Read More Iron Mask Not Required
By Jennifer McEwen |
An executive leadership team I supported was entrenched in a conversation about vulnerability. One member said, “I’m not big on being vulnerable, but I do my best to be authentic.” It hit me then: We should always be authentic, and vulnerability should neither be a goal nor something for which we aim. But sometimes, it…
Read More Stay the Course
By Mary Ellen Clagett |
I recently moved to Florida and have a view of the garden from my office. I have been fascinated watching the lizards and geckos running around with amazing speed and changing direction on a dime. Feel familiar? I often felt that way at work – we were constantly changing direction and not staying with anything…
Read More The Best Investment
By Tracey Thorsen-Brady |
I love to hear my husband’s stories that start with, “Dad taught me…” The importance of family, entrepreneurship, and adventure as a staple of life are a few of his favorite topics. For example, Doug learned about profitability at age 8 when he was reminded that he had to pay for the lawnmower rental and…
Read More You’ve Got More Than You Know
By Jennifer McEwen |
Why do some executives operate in an abundance mindset while others seem to have a scarcity mindset? Like tree leaves gasping for air and grappling for sun, perhaps the level of competition in business has us striving to secure–or even grow–our position in that dense forest of rivalry. When we perceive competition for power, resources,…
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