When the Stars Align …
By Mary Ellen Clagett |
I have been loving the recent NASA photos of our solar system and it has had me thinking about systems at work, especially in teams. I’m sure there must be a Star Trek episode (or two or three) that deals with “leveraging the wisdom of the system.” The phrase is right down its alley. The…
Read More Trust Me Please
By Tracey Thorsen-Brady |
With Halloween just around the corner, my install-recall memories are of wonderful, handmade costumes and the warning: “Don’t accept anything that’s not wrapped from people you don’t know.” As an adult, I get it; as I child, I couldn’t reconcile the lack trust in people who lived on our street. Trust is a popular topic…
Read More Balancing Your Views with Others
By Jennifer McEwen |
Comparing ourselves to others can be useful, and it’s also very natural. Why we do this may vary: we may be curious about others, look to others for validation, or maybe want to relate through similarities. When done in excess, comparisons don’t serve. Why? Because one mark of a brilliant leader is having the confidence…
Read More A Human Experience
By Mary Ellen Clagett |
As Tracey noted in our last blog, we’ve been challenged with pre- and post- Ian activities. One takeaway we’ve all had is that, when needed, people step up to help one another. Boundaries disappear and connection drives us. We need to carry this into our everyday lives. This thought led me back to a blog…
Read More Reach Out to the Community
By Tracey Thorsen-Brady |
For days, people constantly watched an image like this one – on their televisions, computers and iPhones. It seemed like the screen was being constantly refreshed with an updated image. Hurricane Ian was on the move. As somewhat new residents to Florida, albeit each in different cities, my business partners and I readied for the…
Read More Employees as Customers
By Jennifer McEwen |
In order to create positive customer experiences, organizations must ensure that company values and leadership are evident in every interaction. When I say the word customer, you may be thinking of the people who buy things from a company. Yes, and I view customers as even more than that. You see, the word customer in…
Read More Break the Cycle
By Mary Ellen Clagett |
History has been on my mind this past week with death of Queen Elizabeth II and the anniversary of the signing of the United States Constitution. In her first televised address, Queen Elizabeth II said, “Today things are very different. I cannot lead you into battle, I do not give you laws or administer justice…
Read More It’s Never Too Late to “Bring You”
By Tracey Thorsen-Brady |
Every Thursday, from October to May, the 50-person Gulf Coast Banjo Society plays a 2 ½-hour concert for free in Venice, FL. Not only is it amazing that they have done this for 33 years; but also, that the average age of the musicians is at least 80. One of the banjo players is 97…
Read More Coaching Over Feedback
By Jennifer McEwen |
Sometimes feedback can be misused. When it’s used to make the feedback giver feel right, it will not likely sit well with the receiver. “May I offer you some feedback?” Those words are harmony to some ears and discord to others. Even when you are open to it, their words can trigger—in a nanosecond—a reaction…
Read More Take the Step
By Mary Ellen Clagett |
I have been having a lot of conversations about fear lately and how to move past it. I’m resurfacing a blog I wrote a while back on the topic to share this week. Lessons often come to me when I’m playing, and that’s how this one came to me. Last week I found myself in…
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