Give Yourself a Break
By Mary Ellen Clagett |
One of the reasons we founded LAITHOS was our passion for living an integrated life. Each of us had gone the route of giving 95% to our jobs and 5% to everything else. And each of us discovered along the way that when we increased the percentage towards “everything else”, our sustainable productivity and job…
Read More Claim Your Seat
By Tracey Thorsen-Brady |
You’ve worked hard, practiced your craft, and led your team to successes along the way. Then it happens … you’re being promoted to a vice president. Time to celebrate – you’ve made it! The hard part is over, right? Take Joe, for example. (All names are fictious.) He is known as the subject matter expert…
Read More Initiating Requests for Help
By Jennifer McEwen |
When you’re really, really busy—I mean head-spinning busy—it might not seem the time to reach out for help. In fact, it is the perfect time to request help. Why? Doing too much at once overstimulates the brain, resulting in distorted thinking. When our brains are on overload, we are less resourceful. So, “grinning and bearing…
Read More What Do You Want to be Known For?
By Mary Ellen Clagett |
We are constantly bombarded with advertisements and slogans establishing a company’s brand. To this day, if someone mentions the company Alka-Seltzer, their tagline (from the 1970s) “Plop, Plop, Fizz, Fizz, Oh what a relief it is” automatically plays in my head. I’m sure there are plenty of examples of brands playing around in yours. These…
Read More Nail Down Your Strategy
By Tracey Thorsen-Brady |
I love to work with executives who want to make a bigger impact in their worlds. They care about their teams and the people they work with; they are really smart; they succeed in many facets of their work; and they want to continue to grow as leaders. Generally, they want support with building a…
Read More You and 2021
By Jennifer McEwen |
Let’s face it: 2020 was a trying year. And throughout it all, people stepped up and continue to do so. They provide health services, ensure grocery stores have items to buy, and so much more. We each have stepped up and continue to do so. We carry on when things seem out of control or…
Read More Your MVP is Your Team
By Mary Ellen Clagett |
As 2020 comes to a close and we look towards 2021, few of us could have imagined all that transpired this past year. Our understanding of what is essential and non-essential has been redefined. Old teams were disbanded and new teams were formed to deal with unanticipated events. Working and living in a virtual world…
Read More Resolve to Look at the Big Picture
By Tracey Thorsen-Brady |
Tis the season to … begin thinking about January 1. Oh, you thought I was going to say “… be jolly”! While the current year is winding down, leaders are meeting with their teams to identify what worked and what didn’t in 2020 and to solidify goals for 2021. Decisions about priorities and what is…
Read More Employees as Customers
By Jennifer McEwen |
I love helping companies link organizational culture and business results. I get to help people do more by building their leadership. And I get really jazzed about also helping organizations create positive customer experiences. When I say the word customer, you may be thinking of the people who buy things from a company. Yes, and…
Read More Forge Ahead
By Mary Ellen Clagett |
There are a lot of articles written about healthy debate, team alignment, and co-creation. They are filled with insightful advice about team dynamics. Seldom do they discuss when to stop talking and start doing. I’m not saying that there isn’t value in talking; however, when there isn’t a process and deadline for making a decision…
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