Save Me From These Endless Meetings
By Mary Ellen Clagett |
Have you ever sat in one of those meetings where the group needed to come to agreement and it just wasn’t happening? No one would budge from their stance, and frustration and tempers mounted? Reflecting back, I’ve been in way too many of those and it was a while before I broke the code. We…
Read More I’d Appreciate If You’d Trust Me
By Jennifer McEwen |
If it were only that easy…or can it be?! As you continue to SET Your Path along The LAITHOS Way™, you Expand Your Influence. Influence requires connection with others. Strong connections are built on trust. And a great way to create a sense of value for the connection is expressing appreciation. We all want to…
Read More Open Heart, Open Mind
By Mary Ellen Clagett |
As I dive more deeply into the tenets of neuroscience, I find more and more studies on how we are hardwired to connect with others and the health benefits resulting from feeling connected. Considering how much time we spend at work, creating an environment which fosters connection is well worth it. The added benefit, of…
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